Landscapes Design Guide Series

These guides are intended to provide examples and sample ordinance language for creating developments and zoning that are consistent with the Landscapes Map.

ag coverAgricultural Landscapes Design Guide (2024)

The planning principles and design elements for Agricultural Landscapes are focused on the maintenance of a low density development pattern and conservation of agricultural lands and sensitive environmental resources. View Document

rural coverRural Landscapes Design Guide (2023)

The planning principles and design elements for Rural Landscapes maintain a low density development pattern and conserve agricultural lands and sensitive environmental resources. View Document

rural center coverRural Center Landscapes Design Guide (2022)

The planning principles and design elements for Rural Center Landscapes guide new development in underutilized developed land, villages with expansion or rehabilitation potential, infill sites that interconnect business areas, and areas close to public utilities. View Document

suburban coverSuburban Landscapes Design Guide (2021)

The planning principles and design elements for Suburban Landscapes guide new development in neighborhood centers, sites with lot consolidation opportunities, greenfields with sensitive infill potential, and areas close to public utilities and transportation. View Document

suburban center coverSuburban Center Landscapes Design Guide (2021)

The planning principles and design elements for Suburban Center Landscapes guide new development in corridors, underutilized shopping centers, older office and business parks, and infill locations. View Document

urban coverUrban Center Landscapes Design Guide (2020)

The planning principles and design elements for Urban Center Landscapes guide new development in downtown areas, underutilized non-residential properties, older industrial properties, and parking lots. View Document