Connecting Healthy Lifestyles and Transportation

Public health issues, including obesity, can be linked in part to inactive lifestyles. Limited pedestrian and biking facilities such as sidewalks and trails have made us dependent on the automobile for access to recreation. To help lead our nation toward healthy eating and active living, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that communities1:

The County Health Department (CCHD) and Planning Commission (CCPC) have partnered to develop a study to promote healthy lifestyles by providing transportation alternatives to the car. The two departments will work with local municipalities to promote transportation choices, and the applicability of Smart Growth principles. This study is being funded under the Pennsylvania Department of Health's Safe and Healthy Communities Program.

This study is occurring simultaneously with the development of the Central Chester County Bike and Pedestrian Plan involving the participation of seven municipalities surrounding West Chester, Downingtown and Exton.

Promoting Landscapes3 Principles

Work will specifically address the following Landscapes3 policies:

Partnering with Municipalities

In subsequent years, CCHD proposes to inform municipalities on the Complete Streets principles and assist them in making changes to their land use plans. After training sessions, municipality officials will understand the impact of Complete Streets principles on the health and well-being of their residents and will understand their areas of improvement in their plans.

1 Khan L, Sobush K, Keener D, Goodman K, Lowry A, Kakietek J, Zaro S. Recommended community strategies and measurements to prevent obesity in the United States. MMWR 58:RR-7, 2009.