
Sunoco Pipeline LP Performing Quarterly Visual Inspections

Sunoco Pipeline LP will be performing quarterly visual inspections to their Twin Oaks/Icedale line starting on or about December 1, 2024. This inspection is expected to consist of two to three representatives walking the pipeline with handheld probes and survey equipment. It is also possible that they may be using drones to assist with inspections. As part of the PUC's regulations, additional pipeline markers may be installed along the right of way during this time. Should you have any questions, contact 855-430-4491.

Chester County Department of Emergency Services provides Pipeline Emergency Plan update

The Pipeline Emergency Plan, addressing the highly volatile liquid (HVL) pipelines and products in the county, will develop annexes to the Chester County Emergency Operations Plan, including additional information related to schools, daycares, and long-term care facilities. Learn More


View prior announcements.

Visit the website for the Pipeline Safety Advisory Board.

Website Overview

MapNearly 600 linear miles of pipeline corridors cross Chester County's landscape. Many of these pipelines have been in place for decades but, more recently, the construction of new lines and upgrades to existing ones have increased in the county. Much of the pipeline activity is a result of the expansion of gas extraction in the Marcellus and Utica Shale regions. The increased extraction has, in turn, created a greater demand for pipeline capacity to transport the resulting products.

The Pipeline Information Center (PIC) was created to provide current information on pipelines and pipeline activity in Chester County. The Chester County Planning Commission maintains the Pipeline Information Center website and serves as the County's Point of Contact for interaction and information exchange with residents, landowners, operators, non-profits, and regulatory agencies. The website serves as a central location for information and updates on proposed and active pipeline projects. The Pipeline Information Center also supports pipeline safety and public awareness through a partnership with pipeline providers, regulators, and municipal governments.

The PIC is designed to address stakeholders' primary concerns and includes sections such as an interactive map that allows users to search for their location relative to nearby pipelines as well as other mapping information; pipelines in the news which includes articles about local pipeline projects; and active pipeline projects which provides information on current pipeline projects proposed in Chester County.

A full site index is available and provides a quick overview of the site's extensive contents.