Climate Action Plan
The Chester County Climate Action Plan was adopted by the County Commissioners on October 7, 2021. The plan was prepared by the Chester County Planning Commission in partnership with the County's Environmental and Energy Advisory Board. The Climate Action Plan provides a blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency at County government facilities and community-wide. View Publication
50 Ways Your Community Can Protect Our Planet
In honor of recognizing Earth Day for the past 50 years, this booklet features 50 ways your community can help protect earth's resources and ensure a resilient environment that supports healthy living year-round. View Brochure
Linking Landscapes
This plan was adopted in 2002 as the open space element of Landcapes. Although the policies within Linking Landscapes have been updated and superseded by Landscapes3, it still contains useful analysis and background information. Copies of the entire document are available for review at each municipal office in Chester County, at the Chester County Planning Commission office, and at each of the 17 County public libraries. View Publication
Open Space Planning: A Guide for Municipalities
This guidebook is intended to help municipalities conduct open space planning as part of their overall municipal comprehensive planning. View Publication
Trail & Path Planning: A Guide for Municipalities
This guidebook is intended to assist municipalities that wish to address trails and paths in their comprehensive plan, official map and zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances. It can also be used by individuals who wish to learn more about how public trails and paths are planned and constructed by local governments. View Publication
Planning a Trails Network poster
Prepared June 2007 by the Chester County Planning Commission in partnership with Chester County Parks and Recreation, Chester County Health Department, and Activate Chester County. View Poster
Land Stewardship Guidebook
This guidebook is intended to inform landowners about the many options that are now available for protecting large heirloom properties. It also provides options for those landowners who wish to develop part or all of their land, but want to preserve as much open space as is feasible. View Publication
Planning Bulletins
This is a list of all of the environmental Planning Bulletins available at the Chester County Planning Commission.
- #9 Stormwater Management Practices (2003 revised)
- #33 Wetlands (2002 revised)
- #37 Water Quality of Streams in Chester County (2002 revised)
- #40 Utilization of Spray Irrigation in Wastewater Treatment (1990)
- #42 On-lot Sewage Management Programs (2002 revised)
- #43 An Introduction to Wellhead Protection for Chester County Municipalities (1991)
- #46 Water Conserving Landscapes-Xeriscape (1993)
- #51 Native Plants in the Chester County Landscape (1996)
- #54 Individual Off-lot Sewage Systems (1998)