Design Elements — Impervious Surface Reduction
A single, 20' wide cartway weaves through the 33-unit Tullamore development.
Due to their compact nature, conservation subdivision developments tend to create less impervious surfaces than conventional developments. Appropriate parking standards are important in all types of subdivisions and land developments to ensure that excessive impervious surface is avoided while providing adequate parking for residents and their visitors. The landscaping of parking areas is also an important design consideration. Similarly, roads should not be overdesigned but should be based on their functional classification and whether on street parking will be needed.
Ordinance Considerations
- Refer to the Parking Design section.
- Refer to the Street Width section.
- Chester County's Multi-Modal Handbook contains recommended standards for parking design, street width, sidewalk width and other transportation-related impervious surfaces.
A rain garden planted within a curb bump-out in West Chester Borough manages stormwater while also reducing the crossing distance for pedestrians and enhancing the streetscape.