Enhance existing recreational options and explore new recreational opportunities in underserved areas of the county.
Public parks and recreational amenities afford opportunities for outdoor recreation that contribute to healthy lifestyles and the overall quality of life. In addition to federal, state, and county facilities and those provided by non-profit organizations, local municipalities provide significant recreational opportunities through their parks, which may require expansion and upgrades to address population growth and the needs of a diverse range of ages and abilities.
The Recreation Access Map depicts recreation options against the background of growth areas as a consideration for new or expanded options near population centers. Opportunities to expand existing parks, trails, and recreational amenities, as well as access to these areas and amenities, should be a focus at the municipal, county, and regional level. The feasibility of creating a regional park in the southeastern portion of the county, currently served only by smaller municipal parks, should be investigated. Efforts to expand the countywide trail network should continue, with focus placed on completion of the Chester Valley and Schuylkill River trails. The Circuit Trails Map (see Connect recommendations) illustrates priority regional trails and potential connections. The county, in partnership with municipal and recreation partners, will continue to advance recreational opportunities that address population growth and changing trends in recreational facilities and programs.
Throughout the county, recreational facilities operated by federal, state, county, and municipal governments, as well as public school districts and non-profit organizations, provide opportunities for physical activity and enjoyment of the outdoors. Use of these facilities is influenced by proximity to where people live, distribution within a community, the types of amenities offered, and overall maintenance.
This map illustrates recreational facilities and a surrounding 1/2 mile service area, which is a standard measure of facility accessibility and utilization. The map is intended to depict areas within growth areas that could be targeted for new recreational facilities and amenities, as well as for improved local access to facilities (such as new sidewalks or trails). View larger map.