The purpose of the Underground Railroad Freedom Trail is to continue the over 200 mile Harriet Tubman Scenic Byway through southern Chester and Delaware counties in Pennsylvania to Independence Mall in Philadelphia. The trail highlights sites and stories that demonstrate not only the significance of the role the Underground Railroad played in the eradication of slavery, but as a cornerstone of our national civil rights movement.

The story begins at the newly dedicated Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The Harriet Tubman Freedom Trail continues the Byway through the story of slaves escaping to safety from the states where slavery was legal to the first state north of the Mason and Dixon line in Pennsylvania where slavery was not legal. The Pennsylvania portion of the trail currently brings the traveler over the Mason and Dixon line on Route 52 in Kennett Township to the Longwood Progressive Meeting House, and follows Route 1 and I-95 into Philadelphia and the Independence Mall. The Kennett Underground Railroad Center is working to develop several tours in Chester and Delaware counties which will complement this trail .

View the driving tour map.

View the Kennett Underground Railroad Center brochure and tour.